See Your Money Clearly And Spend With Confidence!

Meet Jessica
After a 15 career in the financial services and corporate finance industry, I decided to pursue my true passion helping families acheive confidence, clarity and control over their money so that they can live a life of intention and spend with confidence!
My passion comes from my own personal finance journey, which has had its share of ups and downs. I was making a great salary and even saving a decent portion of my money, but I didn’t know how to manage my money and make it work smarter for me. I would save up money only to run up a credit card bill and raid my savings fund to pay it off. I listened to “finance gurus” and made some lousy investment decisions. I was making good money but didn’t know where it all went at the end of the month.
Does any of this sound like you? If so, you’re in good company because these are very common issues! I realized that the one size fits all advice that’s out there just doesn’t work practically for most of us and we need a money plan to fit our unique values and lifestyles. Here you will find no shame, no judgement, and practical solutions to help you design and live a life you love while working toward your financial goals. I’m so excited you’re here!
How May I Help You?

Q&A Call
This is the first step, a free 15 minute call where we talk through your current situation and see if working together would be a good fit

Clarity Session
A 2 hour one-on-one session where we'll dive into your financial picture and you'll walk away with an action plan to overcome your current challenges and a clear picture of how to reach your goals

Goals & Dreams Program
A four month deep-dive program where we will work together to put your action plan into practice so it becomes part of your regular financial routine. Includes 12 one-on-one sessions